The information contained on this website may be useful in determining if a home is part of a Class and is eligible for repairs.  However, the Claims Administrator, Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc. is the only party that can determine if a particular home is eligible for payment from the fund.

If you suspect a hot water under-slab leak, please contact Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc. who will initiate an investigation to determine if an eligible leak is occurring.

Homeowners: If you believe you have a qualifying hot water leak and wish to file a claim, please contact the Claims Administrator Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc. as follows:

By Email:

By Phone: 800 433-0181

Repairs should not be initiated without first contacting the Administrator. The repair fund does not pay for repair or replacement of under-slab copper pipe that has not experienced a hot water leak. The settlement fund will only pay homeowners whose under-slab copper pipes have developed an active hot water leak.